Knives in the Dishwasher? The Bane or The Liberator...

Knives in the Dishwasher? The Bane or The Liberator...

October 27, 2020

Is your dishwasher safe for your knives or not? Are there safe steel or knife style? This is what we think about it...

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What is Damascus steel, how can we tell fact from fiction?

What is Damascus steel, how can we tell fact from fiction?

September 04, 2019

  1. The pattern is not always necessary to identify Damascus steel.
  2. Damascus has been made since before the ancient Egyptians.
  3. Damascus steel is not only from Persia.
  4. Quality depends on the mixing as well as the steel content.
  5. Laminated steel can still be called Damascus.
  6. Damascus and Wootz are different materials, one is an ingredient, and the other is the result.

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